Hi, I’m Rob Johnstone.

I’ve been in construction since I was 21 so this is my 30th year.

I spent the first 24 years of my career in the U.K.  Residentially building new custom houses/ranchers and extensive refurbishments and commercially on contracts for banks, hospitals, restaurants, local authorities and the government. Custom finishing would take me all over Europe so I could source materials to find that special material that the client and designer were looking for and required me to work closely with architects, designers, artists, finishers.

Millwork has always been a passion and something I still enjoy today.

Taking a thought or a picture from the planning and design stage through to manufacture, shipping to its destination and finally seeing it being installed is such a great feeling, knowing that it’s all turned out just as you planned if not better.

The last 5 years I have been based on Vancouver Island.  It’s a fantastic place to live and work.  I feel so lucky to have moved to such a beautiful place.  Being accepted by the Canadian people with open arms has made the transition from the UK to Canada so easy and pleasurable.

Ascend started in October 2012 and has been expanding year on year. Initially working locally on Vancouver Island and throughout British Columbia and very quickly expanding across Canada.

This has only been made possible by working with great clients and meeting great contractors who enjoy working with me. Together becoming a stronger work force and taking on greater challenges.

I work with clients and contractors across Canada, Europe and Worldwide.

Having such a strong client base is great and something I focus on and am always trying expand.

Meeting and making new clients is paramount to the ongoing success of my company.

In 2013 I was introduced into the cruise ship fit out business and since then have worked all over the world taking a strong team of people with me.

All the men and women that work with me are passionate about what they do which makes my life running the company easier and lets me focus on expanding the business.

Achieving customer satisfaction is Ascend’s main goal.
